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pleted the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire, the Prenatal Health Questionnaire, and the Demo- graphic/ Pregnancy Questionnaire. Results: Social support provided by the part- ner correlated positively with adequacy of prenatal care, whereas social support from others (excluding partner relationships) correlated positively with pre- Social support as described by foreign‐born persons ... Qualitative data were collected by semi‐structured interviews and quantitative data were collected by the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ). The meaning of “support” was described by the participants as medical support, information support, and aiding support to learn to manage diabetes. Development of the family support scale (FSS) for elderly ... of family support for the elderly: Perceived Social Support Scale,11 Personal Resource Questionnaire,12 Social Provision Scale,13 Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire,14 Family Environmental Scale,15 and Perceived Social Support - Family.16 In addition, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support17 has four items relating to family
The researcher utilized Orem‟s Self and Norbeck‟s Social ... and Norbeck‟s Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) -- data was analyzed with correlational and descriptive statistics. social context, social support is identified as a mechanism to successfully make and maintain changes (Trief et al., 2004). Social support, which is related to coping, can SOCIAL SUPPORT QUESTIONNAIRE— shortened version Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 127-139. A measure of social support, the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ), is described and four empirical studies employing it are described. The SSQ yields scores for (a) number of social supports, and (b) satisfaction with social support that is available. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Situation-Specific ...
2 Dec 2017 Social support questionnaire shortened version (SSQ6) . The scoring of the MOS-SSS is well described for each subscale and for the total. A far smaller, yet sub- stantial, number of studies focus on social support within a class of psychiatric disorders such as depression. (Flaherty et al. 1983; George et (PDF) Use of Averaged Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire ... Background. Averaged Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) support scores remove the influence of network size variability but may unduly lower scores for participants with large networks. SOCIAL SUPPORT QUESTIONNAIRE - Fetzer Institute
The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. Norbeck JS. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the development and testing of the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) and to discuss several issues that have arisen in recent use of the instrument. The NSSQ is a self-administered questionnaire that measures multiple dimensions of social Use of Averaged Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire Scores Jun 07, 2011 · The Norbeck social support questionnaire (NSSQ) [1, 2] is a network-based social support inventory. That is, unlike global support measures which assess overall perception of how supported one feels, the NSSQ asks participants to take detailed stock or inventory of (a) how many supportive network members they have and (b) how much affection PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE NORBECK SOCIAL … Social support is a frequently measured construct though many existing measures of the construct are lacking in psychometric support. The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) is a promising, multidimensional measure of social support that has been shown to be highly reliable with moderate validity in nursing students.
Effects of Social Support on Prenatal Care and Health ...